Friday, October 14, 2005

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Are you water-logged yet? Basement or roof leaking? Maybe even flooded out?

I know we have little to complain about, really, when you consider what happened along the Gulf Coast last month. But damn, it has been raining here in Philly for over a week!

I can't even remember the last time that I saw the sunshine in real life with my own two eyes.

Now, for a guy who works the overnight shift and sleeps during the day a lot, that isn't always a bad thing. But it would be nice to get out from under these clouds, huh?

Glenn 'Hurricane' Schwartz, Amy Freeze, Bill Henley and the crew at EarthWatch say that the sun should make an appearance late Saturday, and then we may not see another raindrop for over a week. Well, I hope they get it right, because we all could use a little drying out right about now.

And the next time that I hear one of them mention the word "drought", I just may have to go down there and slap 'em upside the head! Rain, rain....go away already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just happy that it was rain and not snow…could you imagine..?