Saturday, August 24, 2019


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A new site format has been developed and is now open

If you are someone who actually stops by to read this website at any point, you may have noticed that there have been no new articles/pieces since mid-October 2019.

A change in direction of my site, from the focus almost exclusively on baseball (Phillies baseball in particular) to a return to a broader subject base is underway.

As my writing resumes, there remains an emphasis on baseball. That is where my heart lies. There will still be plenty of Phillies-related pieces, for those who have enjoyed my increased coverage of the team over the last few years.

However, I am also returning to writing on social, political, faith and entertainment issues and happenings as well. Series that were once regular staples of this site, such as "Sunday Sermon", "TV Watch", "Rock & Roll Heaven" and more will be returning.

The first part of that change is a wholesale change to the actual site itself. A new site at a different server and format has been developed.

That site is now available, linked to the domain "mattveasey.com", so you need to go to that address for future writings. Everything from this site has also been transferred to that address.

There remain more than 1,600 pieces going back for more than 15 years still available here for you to enjoy. You can find them generally categorized in the tool bar above.

Also, "labels" at the bottom of each piece will lead you to further pieces involving those topics. Finally, there is a search box available in the side bar as well.

Thanks for any interest. I am still active daily on Twitter at @MatthewVeasey, and have now returned to almost daily writing at my new website.