Friday, October 19, 2007

Johnny & Susie Sittin' in a Tree?

When I was a little kid in Catholic grade school if you “liked” another little kid of the opposite sex, meaning thought they were cute,there was a now-quaint little ditty that the other little kids chanted at the two of you:

Johnny and Susie, sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes Susie with a baby carriage.

It all seemed so innocent back then. It was a way for others to mock the little kiddy relationship that was budding. No one, absolutely no one, ever expected little Susie to actually turn up pushing that carriage. And little Susie never did. Ever.

But as the years have passed, morality has been eroded away in America and around the world. There are attacks on American values and institutions happening on a daily basis. Another downward step in this overall decline is happening in Maine, where a middle-school is now giving out birth control to students.

Arguments have been made along the lines of ”they are gonna do it anyway, you may as well give them birth control and education”, and that “there are parents who can’t or won’t transmit values” to their kids. One advocate said: “This isn’t about encouraging kids to have sex. This is about the kids who are engaging in sexual activity.”

What this is about is further deteriorating those basic American moral values. You have to be 21 years old to legally drink, and 18 years old to vote and serve in the military. But we can stand by and support 11-year olds who want to have sex? It’s good enough to say “Hey, we don’t want you to do it, we don’t like that you are doing it, but since you are going to do it anyway, here goes a pill and some condoms…..”?

The Maine school says that if parents don’t want their kids involved, then they can opt-out of the school health program. However, there are a large number, the vast majority, of the parents who do want their kids treated under the program if they should fall down and get cut or bang their head.

But these parents don’t want their kids receiving birth control. The school forces them to take the birth control option with the rest, allowing no opt-out clause for that particular area of the program, which some parents have advocated.

They can’t at least give involved, educated parents the option to opt-out of such a controversial program? No, because that would put responsibility and the job of education on this ultra-important topic back in parental hands (where they belong) and take them out of the hands of those educators, academicians, politicians, and other social activists who feel they are better equipped to provide their own indocrination.

Now, is there any real value in a situation where some middle-school kid who knows (and believe me, they know) the possible results of sexual activity, but goes ahead anyway, getting pregnant? I offer up the politically incorrect position of “Yes”.

That value comes when the other little kids find out about it. There are few better ways to learn a lesson than to make a mistake, and be forced to deal with the consequences of that mistake.

Of course, all the better for us if it is someone close to us, rather than we ourselves. We do learn the lesson by seeing their mistakes and what they went through as a result.

And you want to argue with me that there are some of these kids at that age who don’t know how babies are made? I challenge you to produce that as a fact.

If it is “Sex Education” that you want taught, so that kids are better educated about the consequences of sexual activity (emotional, pregnancy, STD’s, etc) then offer the subject as a middle-school elective, where parents can opt-in. The obvious idea being that those who opt-out have their own ability to educate their kids in this area (which is what all parents should do.)

These are the kinds of issues that are at stake, folks, when your vote is requested. There is a lot of bluster in political debates, but it is almost all smoke-n-mirrors. When you decide in the election booth whether to pull the lever next to someone’s name, don’t just consider what your union is telling you to vote. Don’t just consider what the network news, or your local newspaper, is telling you to vote. Find out where that candidate stands on the most basic, most important issues of our times: the sanctity of life, moral values, schools and the subjects they teach, taxing your money.

And when you go into that ballot box next November, remember this. A large part of what ends up as law in America, the kind of law that decides the big, important societal issues, gets decided at the Supreme Court level. These decisions will affect your life, and your children and grandchildren’s lives, for generations to come.

Over the next half-dozen years, the likelihood is that there will be at least two, and possibly as many as four openings on that court. When you vote, there is no more important issue than who will be making those appointments. None.

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